When it comes time to memorialize your loved one, it can be hard to find the right words to describe just how special they were.
For years, the team at Wright & Ford Family Funeral Home and Cremation Services has been helping Flemington families write obituaries that show the world how valued and loved their family member was. When it comes to this important step of the grieving process, we understand how every word matters.
Here are some ideas that may help you discover the best way to describe a lifetime of memories, in turn creating a memorable obituary that will be cherished for years to come.
Brainstorm with Your Loved Ones
When you take on the responsibility of writing on your loved one’s obituary, it can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if you’re not used to writing something you know will be read by many people. After all, how do you convey everything that this person meant to you and your family in just a couple hundred words? We’ve found it is helpful to seek out the advice of others. Reach out to the people who were closest to your loved one and ask them for anecdotes or memories that matter the most to them. While you may not want to include all of this material, it will provide content you can use during the writing process – or could even help you brainstorm other details you hadn’t thought of originally. This will also help ensure that you don’t leave anyone out who should be listed in the obituary and gives you the opportunity to double-check the spellings of all the names that will be listed.
Share the Journey of Their Life
The purpose of an obituary is to memorialize the life of a person who meant so much to so many. Part of this includes explaining the life events that shaped them into the person they became. Here are some questions to consider as you write. Where was this person born? Where did they go to high school and college? Did they move to a different city or state? What was their profession? Did they receive any major awards they were proud of? As you write, think about someone who doesn’t know your loved one at all. What are the major moments you think would be important to share about their story? Life is a journey, so make sure to share the important steps your loved one took along the way.
If Appropriate, Use Humor
One of the main reasons many people avoid talking about death is because it is uncomfortable and stirs up unwanted feelings of sadness or loneliness. One way to change this is by adding in humor to your writing. While this doesn’t make sense for every situation, humor is a tool that can be used to express the unique personality of your loved one. If your family member loved making people smile, what were some of their favorite jokes? What are the quirks that everyone knows about them? Whether it’s their unfailing love of chocolate, their penchant for always showing up late, or a silly nickname, this could be a wonderful detail to add into your writing.
Most importantly, we understand just how difficult it can be to write an obituary. We hope you know that you can always lean on us for support, no matter what your needs may be.
Whether you would like our caring and professional staff to plan a funeral, burial, or cremation – or if you want to plan your end-of-life arrangements in advance, we are always here to answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to contact us online or give us a call at 908-782-3311.
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